About Mona

Mona Karel is the writing alter ego of Monica Stoner, who wrote Beatles fan fiction and terribly earnest (read just not very good) Gothics in her teen years. She set aside writing while working with horses and dogs all over the US, until she discovered used book stores and Silhouette Romances.  Shortly after that she also discovered jobs that paid her for more than her ability to do a good scissors finish on a terrier, and moved into the “real” working world.  Right around then she wrote her first full length book.  It only took her twenty seven years after that to be published, and not that book!  She writes looking out the window at the high plains of New Mexico, with her Saluki dogs sprawled at her feet. Distraction much? ?  Sometimes these silly dogs take over her life, but there is always room for one more set of characters in one more book

Summer Sunset

8 responses to “About Mona

  1. Mary Kay O'Neill

    Hi Monica,
    I found your blog site tonight and really enjoyed all the posts.


  2. CL

    I really like your bio. I’m glad I found your page!


  3. Mona… still want you to apply with the governors office for the ASB. Please consider. 1-505-414-1422 vlm


  4. It was at a standstill for awhile last year because the board was under the threat of not being renewed. All set now for six more years.


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