F…Family, Friends, Feminists

A2Z-BADGE-000 [2015] - Life is GoodHere we have F…standing on one leg, all proud and balanced. Many words start with F, not all of them suitable for all readers. But we also have Family. Friends. Feminists. Hmmm

I have been blessed with my born into, married into, and chosen families. I’ve had close friends and distant friends and friends I did not value enough when I knew them. I’ve had friends who agreed with me and friends who delighted me with robust arguments.

I’ve had friends I’ve lost and friends who are still with  me. Two legged and four legged. Male and Female. Any and all types, preferences, nationalities. I am the richer for all of them, and hope to increase their numbers.

Feminists…Feminism. By now I’m sure you know I can fall into a rant about how women are treated and have been treated. Through the ages and up to now, women and children draw the short straw when it comes to safety and success.


Throughout history, one side wins, one side loses. The losing side, if not eradicated to the last person, becomes a spoil of war. Enslaved, sold off, perhaps used and discarded. If the winning side was led by a woman, I’m not all that sure the results would be that much different. We are a competitive species, with a tendency to become savage at the oddest of times.

All of which goes back to yesterday’s musings, on Education. Find it, absorb it, share it.

I’ll be hanging out with my friends, sharing a bit of wine or coffee, and definitely stimulating conversation.

the Circle M Ranch is in those mountains

the Circle M Ranch is in those mountains


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6 responses to “F…Family, Friends, Feminists

  1. Arlee Bird

    Since I’ve moved to L.A. most of my friends and family live far away back east. I guess I could make new friends, but I’m kind of lazy and reclusive these days. There are plenty of feminists around here, but no point in getting embroiled in that.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    A Faraway View


  2. We lived in Valinda, north and east of you. I was amazed at the amount of history in Pico Rivera! We had dog and horse friends so it wasn’t as difficult to build a personal community.
    I miss some things…we left in 2006. but not the traffic


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